Friday, July 15, 2011

Wacky Hair and Hat Day

Today is the last day of term and also Wacky Hair and Hat Day. Here are some photos of some of us (in our artshirts) with some very crazy hair and hats!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today we learnt what MAF stands for: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Helmie from MAF Biosecurity came to talk to us about the challenges that MAF face. They have to take care of New Zealand's plants and animals. This means that the team try to stop prohibited items coming into the country. He showed us a giant snake and a smaller snake, a butterfly, a sea turtle, a packet of beef jerky, a kangaroo's paw, a mask made from rabbit, a turkey egg, a baby crocodile's head and the shell of a giant African snail. All these things are not allowed into New Zealand because they may bring diseases and endanger our native wildlife.

Wow! Look At All Our Learning!

This morning we reflected on our learning for the term. There was so much we couldn't fit it all on the activboard!

Now we have to decide what our next steps will be and what we can do to achieve our goals next term.

Monday, July 11, 2011

It's Buddy Time!

Today we worked with our buddy class to create a slideshow of our cupcake making day.

We did these things well:
  • helped our buddies with the typing and proofreading
  • put the photos onto the pages without deleting them
  • helped our buddies with the correct spelling
  • concentrated on our own work
Next time we work with our buddies we could be better at:
  • focusing on what we are doing
  • learning the different keys on the keyboard
  • typing faster
  • making sure we do just as much as our buddy
  • asking our buddies for help rather than having them do it for us
  • making sure our buddies are doing just as much as we are doing
Overall we thought that it was a great 'learning together' experience!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jokes for Christchurch

We were making jokes for Christchurch. They had a really bad earthquake, so we chose the jokes because Room 16 like jokes. I chose: Knock, knock. Who's there? Bridget. Bridget who? London Bridget is falling down.

Our teacher got her camera and we took photos. We glued the photos to our jokes. Then we decorated the paper with felts or crayons. I used felts to make it pretty and I drew a picture of a bridge and a lake.

When I was having a photo I was lying down and smiling. I wrote: By Jennifer, because that tells the people in Christchurch my name. I hope the sick people will be happy and I wish it goes to a Canterbury school.

By Jennifer